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DigiCert Wildcard SSL Certificate

DigiCert Wildcard Certificate Description DigiCert

Secure unlimited sub-domains with a Business Validated Wildcard SSL certificate.

When you are running multiple services or sites all attached to a single main domain, Wildcard SSL certificates make perfect sense as a comprehensive security solution for your setup. A DigiCert Wildcard SSL will allow you to secure unlimited subdomains and your root domain with a single digital certificate. Better still, with the Business Verification handled using DigiCert's new streamlined process, you can be up and running within minutes. This is the go-to Business Wildcard Certificate solution for users with complex single-domain sites.

Step 1 How many Years?
Step 2How many Wildcard Domains?
Wildcard Domains Secured:
£410.73 Per Year
Step 3Add on Individual Domains?
Total Individual Domains:
£131.43 Per Year
Final StepTotal Price Summary
Total Due Today: £454.54

Your Savings: £305.51
To ensure the most up-to-date security that meets the latest browser requirements, when you purchase multiple years, you'll need to re-issue your certificate (at no cost to you) once per year.
Upto 30 Days added on for Free when you renew with SSLTrust
  • Validation Type: Business
  • Issuance: 1-2 Days
  • Reissues: Unlimited
  • Warranty: $1,250,000
  • Mobile Devices: Supported
  • DigiCert Seal
    Site Seal: Included
  • Refund Policy: 30 Days
  • Secures: Domain + Sub-Domains
  • Server Licenses: Unlimited
  • Free Duplication (Multiple CSR/Keys): Unlimited
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Wildcard SSL certificates by DigiCert: comprehensive security solutions for all types of websites

By investing in a DigiCert Wildcard SSL, you're subscribing to a well-established Certificate Authority and all of its knowledge, expertise, and pedigree in website security. A Wildcard certificate provided by DigiCert comes with an extremely wide variety of extra features and improvements that you won't find anywhere else, thus ensuring that your website is never left at the mercy of malicious agents.

A baseline Wildcard certificate from DigiCert will protect a single main domain in your possession, as well as all of its attached sub-domains. This means you're looking at a remarkably flexible SSL solution with a validation process to match.

Wildcard certificates are, by default, some of the most flexible TLS/SSL certificates on the market. This kind of SSL certificate is purpose-built to provide vastly improved domain coverage at a slight reduction in security, since you're securing your entire batch of attached sub-domains in one go.

In return, however, using the same certificate for a comprehensive domain coverage means that you're saving both money and time, in that you now don't have to concern yourself with additional digital certificates for the same base domain. An SSL certificate as powerful as this doesn't come cheap, but all SSL certificates provided by DigiCert come with additional features and boons that make them a very worthwhile investment.

Get a Wildcard certificate from DigiCert today, and never have to worry about your SSL/TLS security again. Just one certificate to cover your entire setup - no fuss involved whatsoever.

DigiCert offers unprecedented value to feature-seeking webmasters

The main feature of any Wildcard SSL Certificate is its ability to secure every one of your subdomains without any additional configuration required. A Wildcard certificate can, therefore, secure all of the following: your,,, and your root

You can install your Wildcard certificate on unlimited servers, too, effectively allowing you to secure your website, mail server, backend systems, and heaps more. Each of these items will also be showing the secure padlock of security and encryption to any visitor that opens them up.

DigiCert Wildcard certificates forego Domain Validation protection in lieu of improved Business Validation solutions. Users interested in top-end DigiCert protection may need to look into their Secure Site certificates, but even the baseline Wildcard SSL will be an amazing option for the vast majority of users.

Enjoy 256-bit encryption, priority support (when needed), unlimited free reissues (with the same private key), and more.

Verify your business details with an industry-leading Certificate Authority

You need to show your visitors that you are a well-established school, business, or entity. This is how DigiCert is a step above domain validated SSL Certificates and also other standard business validated solutions. They can have your new Certificate issued sooner due to their industry-leading verification process. And once you have it completed, you can issue additional orders instantly.

All of this combines for an impeccable Wildcard SSL from one of the best-regarded CAs in the business. Using the same certificate for your entire domain setup is a huge boon in and of itself, but knowing that your one-certificate solution comes with a comprehensive support package and bonus (optional) feature offers that make the deal even better.

If you sign up for DigiCert to keep your website secure, then you're also getting access to unlimited free reissues and a DigiCert Trust Seal, among other important boons. Your domain names won't just enjoy stellar protection packages to compile aggregate data safely, but also improved conversions in the long run, courtesy of the attached Site Seal.

Boost your conversions with a Digicert Site Seal

A DigiCert Site Seal is one of the best assurances you could show to your visitors if you're trying to convince them that you take data protection seriously. Since a Site Seal can't be forged, everyone that sees it will know that you've been thoroughly vetted and verified by DigiCert.

Your business verification will be shown to your visitors through the included DigiCert Trust Seal. Visitors can click on this seal to view the verified details if they are interested. These can not be fudged and are shown under the DigiCert brand info.

Compatible with all major browsers, including mobile and tablets. You will have industry-leading 256-bit encryption to secure all information transmitted between your servers and customers. This is a proven way to increase conversions of visitors to customers. And it all comes backed by a $1,000,000 warranty for peace of mind on your base domain.

Get protected within minutes of sending out a certificate signing request

Do you need your SSL/TLS solution fast? Worried about the safety of your web servers, and intend on getting your site secure in the shortest order possible? You've come to just the right place. SSLTrust has partnered with DigiCert to ensure extremely rapid issuance times for all of their certificates.

In other words - we can get your site up-to-speed in record time, with your DigiCert Wildcard certificate ready to go extremely quickly.

Even DigiCert's Business Validation SSL certificates won't take longer than two business days for them to be issued, and for your private key to be specced-out. With DigiCert, authentication comes easy and fast, and subsequent issuances can be made within just minutes after you submit a validation request.

Your domain and any subdomain instances can be secured faster than you think! Your customers will thank you for fast validation, and you'll know that there's nothing to be concerned about, security-wise. Secure unlimited subdomains like never before.

Reach out to SSLTrust for assistance if you don't know where to start

Not only will all aggregate data that passes through your one domain and all its subdomains be fully protected by DigiCert Wildcard certificates, but you'll also have the opportunity to reach out to SSLTrust and Digicert's support team for assistance if needed.

In our experience, many users looking to protect their website are not overly familiar with TLS/SSL solutions and may need detailed instructions to get them running. Our support team here at SSLTrust takes its job seriously, and we'll be more than happy to lend a hand if you need any assistance whatsoever.

Use the official SSLTrust contact form to reach out to us, and we'll do our best to get you up and running in no time whatsoever. Depending on the issue at hand, you may also qualify for priority support, where we'll do our best to alleviate the problem in the shortest order possible.

We take your security and encryption as seriously as you do! Contact us and get help when you need it.

Product NameDigiCert Basic Wildcard Mutli-Domain Flexi
AlgorithmSHA-2 Enabled
Validation TypeBusiness Identity Validation
Issuance Time1-2 Business Days
Domains Secured1 - 250
Common Domain Secured* + All Sub-Domains
Allows Additional Domains (SAN)Yes
Allows Wildcard Domains (SAN)Yes
Server LicensesUnlimited Server Licenses
Key CryptographyRSA or ECC
Minimum Key Size2048-bit (RSA), 233-bit (ECC)
SSL/TLS Encryption256-bit Encryption
Trust IndicatorsHTTPS Browser Padlock
Mobile & Smartphone SupportYes
Browser compatibility99%
Client OS CompatibilityHigh
Included Malware ScanNo
Includes Trust SealYes ( Embedded Organisation name/date/time )
SSL ReissuanceUnlimited and Free
Duplication ( Multiple Keys )Unlimited and Free
Refund Policy30 Days

Easy SSL renewal & prompt follow up when I had a minor problem. Excellent pricing, would definitely recommend SSL Trust.

a month ago

I obtained a DigiCert SHA-1 and SHA-2 code signing token from SSLTrust and code signed my software within six days of my order. I received a very prompt response from Paul Baka with very useful information as to how to complete the signing process. I would highly recommend SSLTrust to any software company, particularly if you are resident in Australia. Guy Hammond Southpac Financial Services Pty Ltd

a week ago