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DigiCert Premium Client Certificate

Sign and encrypt critical business emails and documents. Login to secure applications with your verified identity. DigiCert
A Premium Client/Personal ID Certificate from DigiCert.
Digitally signs and encrypt emails using the S/MIME protocol with this highly trusted Personal Authentication Certificate from DigiCert. Ensure documents are not modified in transit, sign them for authenticity.
Upto 30 Days added on for Free when you renew with SSLTrust
Save More When Buying Multiple Years
Total Due Today: £29.01

Your Savings: £74.91

Email Signing

Document Signing



Mobile Devices

Free Reissues

Email, Identity and
Business Validated

Money Back

Sign and encrypt critical business emails and documents. Login to secure applications with your verified identity.

There is a growing thread to online communications and businesses. Including (but not limited too): Spoofed phishing emails, data exposure, brand integrity damage and Man-in-the-middle attacks.

You need to ensure your business is protected, and this can be helped with a DigiCert Client Certificate.
Digitally Sign Emails sent by employees to ensure identity verification. Have your recipients know it truly is you and your staff emailing them, and not some imposter. Have all staff email sender identities verified and trusted.
End-to-end encryption is used to protect message contents. Ensure your emails are read by you and your recipients and no-one else.

Another benefit of the DigiCert Personal Certificate is the ability digitally sign company documents. This will allow anyone you are sending documents too, to see the document as signed by you. Proof that it was sent by you.

Passwords are not always easy to remember, and this is why employees may use easy to guess passwords. Or they may become compromised. Enable two-factor authentication on your critical infrastructure and ensure only verified identities can have access.

Certificate Specifications

Reissues Free and unlimited
Key length 2048 - 4096-bit
Encryption 256-bit
Two-Factor Compatible
Signs Email and Documents
Certificate Fields, First Name, Last Name
Company Name, Company Address
Validation Email Address, Identity and Business
Issuance time 1-5 days
Encrypts Email and Documents
Client and App Compatibility High