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Comodo EssentialSSL Wildcard Certificate

Comodo EssentialSSL Wildcard Certificate Comodo
Comodo's dedicated e-commerce SSL certificate with unlimited sub-domain coverage.

The one Wildcard SSL certificate you can rest assured won't leave you hanging: by Comodo. The Comodo Essential SSL Wildcard certificate comes from a product line of purpose-built value-oriented SSL certificates with ample support for small to mid-sized e-commerce services.

Upto 90 Days added on for Free
Save More When Buying Multiple Years
Total Due Today: £65.79

Your Savings: £250.86
To ensure the most up-to-date security that meets the latest browser requirements, when you purchase multiple years, you'll need to re-issue your certificate (at no cost to you) once per year.
  • Validation Type: Domain
  • Issuance: Minutes
  • Secures: Domain + sub-Domains
  • Warranty: $10,000
  • Mobile Devices: Supported
  • Comodo Seal
    Site Seal: Included
  • Reissues: Unlimited & Free
  • Refund Policy: 30 Days
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Comodo delivers the essential SSL Wildcard solution for sub-domain encryption

With the Comodo Essential SSL Wildcard certificate, you can get your domain secured within mere minutes. Since this is a dedicated Wildcard SSL, it will also easily cover any Wildcard domain you have on your website. The key feature is that it supports multiple subdomains simultaneously, with full domain validation applied to them simultaneously.

This certificate offers fast and easy SSL encryption that allows webmasters to prove ownership over the domain (and its subdomains), enjoy better SEO and conversion rates, and secure online transactions with a single certificate.

Costs, too, are kept at a reasonable level, as the Comodo EssentialSSL Wildcard certificate relies purely on domain validation to deliver security. Further, this Comodo SSL does not have many unnecessary amenities, which helps keep the costs comparatively low.

Excellent Certificate Authority With Immediate Domain Validation

SSL certificates with the Comodo logo are a reliable and trustworthy choice no matter the niche. Wildcard domain protection, in particular, is an excellent way of encrypting websites that feature multiple subdomains with dedicated features. As this is an EssentialSSL certificate, it's built with e-commerce setups in mind, making it a fantastic choice to protect confidential data about sales and users.

Every modern online business needs entity verification for it to remain competitive. To build customer confidence, it's necessary to have protected web servers in place, which means enabling HTTPS to begin with.

With this certificate, webmasters can protect all their current Internet users across unlimited sub-domains with top-tier identity assurance for themselves and their domain. Online transactions will easily be covered right away, and since the SSL installation is fast, easy, and flexible, you can get your website secured starting with the original purchase date.

Enjoy 256-bit encryption on all your sub-domains

Comodo delivers 256-bit encryption and greater with all of its SSL certificates. Specifically, the Comodo Essential SSL Wildcard products expand the encryption's coverage on any single domain to all of its attached subdomains.

Following a successful SSL installation, the EssentialSSL Wildcard certificate protection immediately occurs . Combine this with highly rapid issuance rates, and you can rest assured that your domain will not be hung out to dry for any period. Similarly, free and unlimited reissue instances may come in handy for users with split server presences that all need protection.

Stellar Value With An Excellent Protection Rating

As a prime SSL provider and Certificate Authority, Comodo can guarantee almost total security for the broadest range of situations possible. Breaches happen, of course, but with industry-leading customer care that includes support teams, warranty packages, and more, there's no cause for concern at any point.

The Comodo Essential SSL Wildcard certificate delivers baseline benefits (secure multiple subdomains) with Comodo's tried-and-true level of security and trustworthiness. The Comodo logo alone is a warranty of safety, and combining that with domain-level protection means that all of your visitors will know that they're safe, too, using tools such as the Essential SSL seal.

For a contemporary SSL certificate, value comes from a combination of backend security and outward trustworthiness, and Comodo makes good on both of those fronts.

Can't Choose Between Different Wildcard SSL Certificates? SSLTrust Can Help!

Is this particular SSL certificate the right option for you, specifically? Expect prompt support responses and immediate assistance should you need it. How about enjoying the best SSL/TLS certificate prices on the Internet? SSLTrust delivers all of that - and more.

In this case, specifically, this Wildcard Comodo certificate comes with the following extra features via SSLTrust:

  • $10,000 warranty package
  • access to an Australian support team
  • access to Comodo's mainline support team

This comes on top of all the other features available under the Comodo logo, such as stellar browser compatibility, Comodo static site seal graphics, and more. By getting your Comodo Essential Wildcard SSL via SSLTrust, you're getting the best possible deal on the market.

Product NameComodo EssentialSSL Wildcard SSL
AlgorithmSHA-2 Enabled
Validation TypeDomain Ownership Validation
Issuance Time5-15 minutes
Domains Secured* +
Allows Additional Domains (SAN)No
Server LicensesUnlimited Server Licenses
Key CryptographyRSA or ECC
Minimum Key Size2048-bit (RSA), 233-bit (ECC)
SSL/TLS Encryption256-bit Encryption
Trust IndicatorsHTTPS Browser Padlock
Mobile & Smartphone SupportYes
Browser compatibility99%
Client OS CompatibilityGood
Included Malware ScanNo
Includes Trust SealYes
SSL ReissuanceUnlimited and Free
Refund Policy30 Days

SSLTrust support is first rate. They assisted me with each issue I faced from the start of ordering a code-signing certificate through to actually receiving the certificate. I couldn't have hoped for more prompt support. I wish there were more Australian IT companies, and that have this level of care for their customers. Highly recommend to anyone needing such services.

8 months ago

Easy SSL renewal & prompt follow up when I had a minor problem. Excellent pricing, would definitely recommend SSL Trust.

3 weeks ago