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Also known as the "your connection isn't private" error, net:err_cert_date_invalid is a relatively common SSL certificate error message similar to the err_ssl_protocol_error message we had previously discussed. It comes in a few variations - depending on the specifics causing the problem in the first place - and it signifies a failure to load the website correctly. What is… [read more →]

How to Fix ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR in Google Chrome

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Whether you read up on them or just ignore them, web browsing errors are indeed a thing, and sometimes they can come up without much in the way of rhyme or reason. Or, at least, that's what it might look like at a glance. An error message is, after all, caused by an error of some sort, and looking into it should be a given. One of the most common SSL connection error examples,… [read more →]

Major Website Security Breaches You Need to Know About

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Major website security breaches are, sadly, more common than most users might imagine. Here are a few of them that you might not have heard about! Data breaches are a common concern in this day and age. Depending on how prominent your business is on the Internet, odds are good that some malicious elements would love to breach your security and extract as… [read more →]

Establish a Hybrid Workplace Model with SSLTrust

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Attempting to establish a hybrid workplace but have security concerns? Fret not: SSLTrust can help you successfully navigate this complex issue. It's difficult to overstate the sheer disruption of the world that was brought about by COVID-19. It feels like the pandemic led to changes both big and small in virtually every aspect of daily life, and it's particularly… [read more →]

How SSL Certificates Boost Your Domain Trustworthiness

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Description: It's widely recognized that SSL certs boost your domain trustworthiness, but how does that work? Learn the important beats, quick and easy! As oblique as it might sound at first, domain trust is the single most important signifier of a website's value in the given search engine result pages. Search engines grade domains depending on the perceived amount of… [read more →]